All APWU National, State, and Area Local/Local Officers, Stewards, Members, Auxiliary Officers and Members, Retiree Chapter Officers, Members, and their Families are invited to the first ever National Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) Southern Regional Conference, to be held from Sunday, May 16 thru Tuesday, May 18, 2004.

The Founders Conference shall be convened at the Hilton Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel, 1201 Riverplace Blvd., Jacksonville, Fl. 32207. Contact the all union hotel for reservations at 800-445-8667 toll free or call 904-398-8800 to talk directly to the hotel reservations. Hotel fax number is 904-398-9170. The special Alliance group rate is $89.00 per night plus 13% taxes. Self parking in the hotel is $8.00 daily or $12.00 daily for valet. If special accommodations are required, please call 888-373-6497 toll free.

An official Conference registration form needs to be completed by all attendees. An exclusive $65.00 registration package includes Luncheon and Banquet Dinner, conference materials, and access to all sessions. For registration, contact Joni Jones at 888-373-6497 toll free or write to Alliance for Retired Americans Registration Desk, 888 – 16 Street, N.W., Suite 520, Washington, D.C. 20006.

General sessions will include a keynote address by Alliance President George J. Kourpias and election of Regional Board Members for four (4) years. Invited guests include prominent national speakers and leading Congressional and State officials. Other Grassroots Empowerment sessions will contain workshops on Medicare, Prescription Drugs, and Social Security; fundraising tactics; leadership development and media training by experts; and 2004 National and State General Election issues. Learn to grow and strengthen your local and state unions and chapters into powerful, grassroots organizations.

This year 2004 is not only an election year, but also a critical time in history to become involved in working class advocacy. Informal brainstorming and networking will give you a chance to meet new friends and reunite with old ones. We need to create a culture of activism to protect the health and economic security programs that benefit you and your family. The Regional Conference will provide a forum for you to get others to share your vision and the tools for you to be a strong advocate for a dignified, safe, secure, and independent retirement.

The Alliance for Retired Americans Southern Region comprises 12 states, stretching from Texas to Virginia and Florida. The APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, AFL-CIO, which has increased to 3037 dues paying members, is affiliated with and pays dues to the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA), which has grown from 125,000 members to over 150,000 in the last year. If you need more information, contact Jack Gose at 727-343-2998 home phone or E-mail at
Jak.Gose@Excite.com and visit the Home Page of our APWU of Florida website Retiree hyperlink at www.apwuflorida.org by clicking on the word retiree on the sidebar links.



It is a pleasure to invite all 3037 APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter union dues paying Retiree members, Retiree delegates, active APWU dues paying officers and members, and family members to the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA) 2004 Annual Convention to be held on Sunday, June 20 thru Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at the Hotel Royal Plaza, Lake Buena Vista, Fl. at the entrance to Disney World. Your departure date is on Wednesday, June 23, 2004.
The registration fee for the Convention is $80.00 per person. Any registered delegate wishing to bring a guest to the prepaid meals should register their guest at $60.00 each. If you are interested, contact Janelle Thomas, Membership Director, at the FLARA office in West Palm Beach, Fl. by phone at 561-792-8799 or E-mail at
FLARA@fdn.com to register and receive Convention materials and an updated agenda. Many well known political and union leaders are invited to attend this annual event.

The Hotel Royal Plaza room rate for FLARA members is $89.00 per night for single or double room. Please note the hotel cutoff date for room reservations is June 1, 2004. When making your reservations, please call 1-800-248-7890 Ext. 2500 and ask for the FLARA special group rate.

All FLARA club/chapter dues must be current in order for clubs/chapters to have proper voting status. If you have not sent in your chapter or individual dues, please do so immediately. If you have any questions, ask to speak with Tony Fransetta, President, FLARA, by phone at 561-792-8799. Registration forms must be returned to FLARA in order to prepare your credentials and to better plan for a successful convention. We look forward to meeting with you and your family on June 20-22, 2004!


We hope everyone enjoyed attending our 2nd Biennial APWU of Florida State Retiree Convention held at the Plaza Resort and Spa in Daytona Beach, Fl. on Wed., May 12, 2004. We prepared over 100 Happy Folders for the Retirees Convention and regular APWU of Florida Convention Delegates, Officers, and Families. The folders were chock full of APWU history from our founding and fantastic ideas for the future.

The National AFL-CIO and National Alliance for Retired Americans Office were generous in providing complimentary copies of the Congressional Voting Records for 2003 and Legislative Priority Issues for 2004 booklets for distribution to all who attended the APWU of Florida Convention in Daytona Beach.

Thanks to the APWU of Florida Executive Board Officers, Delegates, and Families for the most wonderful experiences we have ever lived through at any APWU Convention!

Jack Gose, President, APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, AFL-CIO

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