Constitutional Resolution No. 2 [Art.16, Section(I) ] on Adequate Funding for State Retiree Chapters which was submitted by APWU of Florida was overwhelmingly adopted by the 2803 voting delegates at the 18th Biennial National APWU Convention in Philadelphia, PA on Wed., August 16, 2006. The original amendment written by Jack Gose, President, APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter for the 2006 APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Convention delegates reads, “State Retiree Chapters shall receive twenty percent (20%) of the National Per Capita per Retired Member in that state, once fifty percent (50%) or more of the state retiree membership has been organized and chartered into Local Retiree Chapters by the National APWU.” Prior to this change, the four (4) State Retiree Chapters currently chartered, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, and California had a dwindling amount of funds to work with, once 50 % or more of the retiree membership were organized into Local Retiree Chapters.
This change to the National Constitution would encourage the formation of newer chapters, which would be in the interest of all retirees, and would provide needed and adequate funding for state chapters according to Linda Turney, Chairperson, Constitution Committee, and APWU President of Illinois State. Resolution No. 4 [Article 20] which was submitted by Ohio State on Membership in State Organizations also was adopted which states, “All Locals and area locals will be members of their APWU state organization under the criteria established by the respective state constitution.” It requires that large locals assist MALs (Members-at-Large) and the smaller locals that otherwise would not have representation or a voice in the organization.
The elected Delegates assembled on the floor of the Philadelphia Convention City Center came from 407 locals, 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, 84 National APWU officers and four (4) Retiree Regional Delegates. The Assembly approved an amendment Resolution No. 6 [Article 3, Section 4 (d)] submitted by Pennsylvania State, “That effective immediately that retirees who pay full dues to the national and local state organizations shall be permitted to vote during contract ratification.” The Constitution Committee recommended non-concurrence, stating the outcome of contract negotiations does not directly affect retirees. However, the Delegates voted for the amendment as those Retirees have decided to remain active within their local or state organizations.
APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board delegates Mario Miceli, Dave Bernstein, and Jack Gose attended many scheduled events in Philadelphia during the week of August 12-19, 2006 and represented the interests of over 3,000 Retiree Chapter dues paying members in the State of Florida: Retiree and Clerk Conferences on Sat. and Sun., Political briefing and APWU financing on Sat. night, Congressional speakers and Ice Breaker on Sun. night, daily Atlanta Region 4-state Caucus from 8:30 am to 10 am, Accident Benefit Association Convention on Mon. night, daily main Convention Business sessions 10 am-4 pm Mon. thru Fri., COPA night activities on Tue. night, APWU Rally against Post Office Consolidation of Services and Delayed Mail with 3,000 blue shirted APWU brothers and sisters marching around Philly Post Office, Parade of States on Thur. night, and Retirement and Legislative workshops on Sat., Aug. 19.
While in Philly, I was surprised to be given the APWU Retiree of Year award by Douglas C. Holbrook, Retirees Director, before 60 Retirees in attendance at the Biennial Retiree Conference inside meeting room on 3rd level. The inscription on the statue recognizes my involvement in National APWU Retirees Dept., APWU of Florida State Chapter, and Florida Suncoast Retiree Chapter, AFL-CIO during 2006, with the signature of Bill Burrus, APWU President. Wallace Baldwin, Atlanta Metro AL, GA also received a similar award for his contributions to Retiree activities. Many former National Officers were present at this meeting, including former Industrial Relations Dir. John Richards from Pittsburgh, Pa., former Exec. Vice President Dave Johnson, and Retiree Director John R. Smith from Dayton, Ohio.
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter FREE luncheon will be given to each Retiree Chapter member paying APWU Retiree union dues $24.00 year to the National APWU Retirees Dept. and one guest, limit of two per family attending the Retirees Luncheon to be held at the Holiday Inn Select Restaurant, 13051 Bell Tower Drive, Ft. Myers, FL 33907 from 12 NOON to 1:15 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2006. The APWU of Florida Spring Seminar begins on Thurs., Oct. 26 thru Sat., Oct. 28, 2006 at the same Hotel where the semi-annual conclave is to be held for educational classes arranged by Pete Trunzo, Education Director, for active and retiree APWU members.
Retiree Happy folders chock full of interesting information will be distributed to all those attending, and everyone is invited! Up to five (5) $25.00 Cash Door Prizes will be awarded to the first five APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter members signing in and attending the Retirees Luncheon. The National APWU Retirees Dept. has 38,927 members and the Natl. APWU member list has 482 Full Dues Retiree members, 224,589 DCO members, 257 active Cash Pay members, 21,000 Associate Active Federal and Non-Postal members, 531 HCR & MTESC members on DCO, 4,185 Letter Carriers, Mailhandlers, Rural Carriers, Supervisors, and Postmaster members, and 1,365 new 1187s not yet processed thru USPS payroll system, or a grand total of 291,336 APWU dues paying members according to Frank Romero, Director of Organization. (May 18, 2006)
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board meeting will be held in the Holiday Inn Restaurant Private Dining Area (PDR) following the Luncheon and everyone is invited to listen and participate in the discussion on motions brought before the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board. We will be planning on sending Retiree delegates to the National APWU Retirees Dept. Conference, to be held in Las Vegas in 2007 in conjunction with the other Craft Conferences.
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