The age of American population is changing daily with over 297 Million people listed on the World Population Clock of the U.S. Census website at www.census.gov as of Jan. 9, 2006, and over 6 Billion, 490 Million people on Earth. People over the age of 100 are the fastest growing group in the nation, followed by Americans over 85 years of age. In another 10 years by 2016, the average American will live until the age of 83. Growth of world population was over two percent year in 1960, and will gradually diminish to one percent year by 2010, and one-half of one percent by 2050. Many people cannot afford to have children anymore, and the question is whether humans are to become dinosaurs like the nations of Olde?
The age of American population is changing daily with over 297 Million people listed on the World Population Clock of the U.S. Census website at www.census.gov as of Jan. 9, 2006, and over 6 Billion, 490 Million people on Earth. People over the age of 100 are the fastest growing group in the nation, followed by Americans over 85 years of age. In another 10 years by 2016, the average American will live until the age of 83. Growth of world population was over two percent year in 1960, and will gradually diminish to one percent year by 2010, and one-half of one percent by 2050. Many people cannot afford to have children anymore, and the question is whether humans are to become dinosaurs like the nations of Olde?
By the year 2010, there will be as many American seniors as those under 20 years old. Living a simple life and natural lifestyle is still the best way to maintain health. With current advances in nutrition and new medical diagnostic technologies, we are on the verge of an OLDER POPULATION EXPLOSION! There is one birth every 8 seconds, one death every 12 seconds, and one international migrant (net) every 31 seconds, a net gain of one person every 14 seconds in the United States.
Young adults are usually those 20 to 40 year olds in the prime of their lives, but “when your friends begin to flatter you how young you look, it’s a sure sign you are getting old,” (Mark Twain, Author). The eight 10-year aging cycles listed below are accepted universally by aging researchers, according to www.wikipedia.org online FREE encyclopedia:
1. Quadragenarian, 40-49 years of age 2. Quinquagenarian, 50-59 years of age
3. Sexagenarian, 60 thru 69 years of age 4. Septuagenarian, 70 thru 79 yrs of age
5. Octogenarian, 80 thru 89 years of age 6. Nonagenarian, 90 thru 99 years of age
7. Centenarian, 100 thru 109 yrs. of age 8. Supercentenarian, 110 yrs of age Plus.
According to an article at www.agingresearch.org being able to handle disappointments and loss by shedding stress in a psychological healthy way should be one of the top goals to reach for, if you look forward to living to the ripe old young age of 100. Although mothers live longer as a rule, genes play a big part in the deck you are dealt with by the forces of nature. Developing a hopeful outlook and being able to relax are very important, and exercise and diet are crucial. Performing daily mental tasks that challenge the mind help us to maintain short-term memories and improve reaction times.
Attending APWU Retiree Chapter, religious and other organization membership meetings lead to satisfying personal relationships. Although social contacts make for more enjoyable longer lives, one must have regular medical checkups, such as a Colonoscopy every 5 years or Mammogram yearly, prostate and blood pressure to ensure a healthy body. Pick out the 10-year cycle you aspire to and make New Year’s resolutions today for the following: (1) To cut back on smoking tobacco which causes cancer of the lungs, throat, and colon, heart and respiratory diseases; (2) Decrease one’s weight and calories intake; (3) Avoid sedentary, inactive lifestyle in front of TV or as a couch potato. Whether you take small steps or go full steam ahead, don’t fool yourself by thinking “old age is always 15 years older than I am,” (Bernard Baruch). As Bill Cosby says, “When you become senile, you won’t know it.” Lots of luck, laughter, and Happy New Year!!
Our records of the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter show eight (8) Centenarians over the age of 100 with the oldest tipping the scales at 109 and counting, twenty-two (22) Nonagenarians age 95-99 and one hundred sixty-six (166) age 90-94 dues paying members, a remarkable increase. Listed below are the general area, zip code and number of Retiree Chapter member’s breakdown where they reside:
Jacksonville-Daytona 320-322 (7), Panhandle 323-325 (3), Gainesville 326 (2), Winter Park 327 (6), Orlando 328 (4), Melbourne 329 (9), Miami 330-332 (36), Fort Lauderdale 333 (27), West Palm Beach 334 (39), Tampa 335-336 (7), St. Pete 337 (4), Lakeland 338 (5), Fort Myers 339-341 (13), Bradenton-Sarasota 342 (8), Ocala 344 (5), New Port Richey-Pasco 346 (11), Kissimmee 347 (3), and Ft. Pierce 349 (7).
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter FREE luncheon for each Retiree Chapter member paying Retiree union dues to the National APWU Retirees Dept. of $24.00 year and one guest, limit of two per family, attending the Retirees Luncheon to be held in West Palm Beach, FL area from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, the day before the APWU of Florida Spring Seminar begins in March, 2006 at the same Hotel where the semi-annual conclave is held for educational classes for active and retiree APWU members. Retiree Happy folders will be distributed to all those attending, and everyone is invited! The hotel location and dates are given elsewhere in this newsletter!
The 3RD Biennial APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Convention will convene at the Plaza Ocean Club Hotel, 640 Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, Fl. at 1 p.m. and adjourn promptly at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10, 2006 the day before the APWU of Florida regular Convention from Thursday., May 11 thru Saturday., May 13, 2006.
Preparations have been made for the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter to pay for a free luncheon for each APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter member registering as a Retiree Delegate and one family guest in attendance for the Convention. The luncheon is scheduled from 11:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. in the Club Hotel Restaurant.
Nominations and elections of Chapter Officers will be held during the business session on Wednesday afternoon. The Offices are President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Legislative Director, and two Trustees. A Chapter constitutional amendment will be introduced to add Health Plan Director and Benefits Director as elected positions on the Executive Board. Ten $25.00 Centenarian Cash Door Prizes to Chapter members, freebies, give-a-ways, and historical gifts will entertain those in attendance.
Our invited guest speaker at the Retirees luncheon and the Retirees Convention will be one of the National APWU Officers attending the Biennial APWU of Florida State Convention for Active and Retiree members. APWU of Florida Area Local/Local Presidents will be mailed blank APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Delegate credentials. Contact President Jack Gose, home telephone 727-343-2998 or E-mail to jak.gose@excite.com if you have any suggestions, questions or comments.
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