Since the creation of the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter on March 15, 2002, we have tried as an organizer to train and mentor as many other Retiree Chapter officers in Florida as possible to assume the mantle of leadership some day when I retire as President of the State Retiree Chapter due to declining health reasons.
Since the creation of the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter on March 15, 2002, we have tried as an organizer to train and mentor as many other Retiree Chapter officers in Florida as possible to assume the mantle of leadership some day when I retire as President of the State Retiree Chapter due to declining health reasons.
We hope we have succeeded in this endeavor, as it is time later this year to turn over the Office of President to a younger Retiree officer, Valentine Serpico, our renown current Vice President from Fort Lauderdale, Broward County Area Local, who will bring new ideas and fresh concepts to strengthen the membership and represent the State of Florida Retiree Chapter throughout the nation. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the office of President until the next regular Chapter Convention election of officers in this situation according to Article VII, Section 3, of the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.
We hope we have succeeded in this endeavor, as it is time later this year to turn over the Office of President to a younger Retiree officer, Valentine Serpico, our renown current Vice President from Fort Lauderdale, Broward County Area Local, who will bring new ideas and fresh concepts to strengthen the membership and represent the State of Florida Retiree Chapter throughout the nation. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the office of President until the next regular Chapter Convention election of officers in this situation according to Article VII, Section 3, of the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.
I will be eighty (80) years of age, an Octogenarian, on Dec. 18, 2008 and I want to personally thank Val Serpico, Mario Miceli, Sec.-Treas. and former State President 1986-1994 from Clearwater, Suncoast Area Local, and Dave Bernstein, Legislative Director from Tampa Area Local, for their steadfast commitment to Retiree Solidarity as we together attended many meetings of APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board, APWU state and national Seminars, Conferences, and Conventions, Alliance for Retired Americans regional and national Conferences and Conventions, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board meetings, Conferences, and Conventions, and Florida AFL-CIO COPE Conferences and Conventions during the last six (6) years.
I will be eighty (80) years of age, an Octogenarian, on Dec. 18, 2008 and I want to personally thank Val Serpico, Mario Miceli, Sec.-Treas. and former State President 1986-1994 from Clearwater, Suncoast Area Local, and Dave Bernstein, Legislative Director from Tampa Area Local, for their steadfast commitment to Retiree Solidarity as we together attended many meetings of APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board, APWU state and national Seminars, Conferences, and Conventions, Alliance for Retired Americans regional and national Conferences and Conventions, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board meetings, Conferences, and Conventions, and Florida AFL-CIO COPE Conferences and Conventions during the last six (6) years.
Where would our Retiree Chapter be without the enthusiastic support, teamwork, and attendance of all the other Chapter Executive Board officers at numerous meetings, Conferences, and Conventions, Charlie Redd, Trustee and former State President 1994-2000 from Cocoa, Space Coast AL, Pedro Torres, Trustee, from Miami AL, Michael Jordan, Sr., Benefits and Organizing Director from Rutledge, Space Coast AL, John C. Wise, Health Plan Director from Tampa AL, Beth Cramer, National APWU Convention Regional Delegate and former Board member who lives in Georgia, and last but not least my 85-year old friend, John Sardin, Jr., Historian and former Chapter Sec.-Treas., from St. Pete, Suncoast AL. We love all of you and your spouses for making it happen, and hold each of you dear in our heart.
Where would our Retiree Chapter be without the enthusiastic support, teamwork, and attendance of all the other Chapter Executive Board officers at numerous meetings, Conferences, and Conventions, Charlie Redd, Trustee and former State President 1994-2000 from Cocoa, Space Coast AL, Pedro Torres, Trustee, from Miami AL, Michael Jordan, Sr., Benefits and Organizing Director from Rutledge, Space Coast AL, John C. Wise, Health Plan Director from Tampa AL, Beth Cramer, National APWU Convention Regional Delegate and former Board member who lives in Georgia, and last but not least my 85-year old friend, John Sardin, Jr., Historian and former Chapter Sec.-Treas., from St. Pete, Suncoast AL. We love all of you and your spouses for making it happen, and hold each of you dear in our heart.
We would like to applaud and show our appreciation to all the thousands of current and past AFL-CIO, Florida AFL-CIO, National Alliance for Retired Americans, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, and APWU local, state, and national active and retiree Officers, Delegates, and Members, Auxiliary, Postal Press Editors, Coalition of Labor Union Women, and Family members we have met and learned from who have made our paths a lot brighter during the last 41 years since 1967 when I became a Career Substitute in the old U.S. Post Office Department earning $2.63 hour working every weekend including Sunday and all the Holidays for 15 years before I was able to get a bid to the day shift. The Sky is the Limit and the Future is Yours to generate changes in making your dreams come true.
We would like to applaud and show our appreciation to all the thousands of current and past AFL-CIO, Florida AFL-CIO, National Alliance for Retired Americans, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, and APWU local, state, and national active and retiree Officers, Delegates, and Members, Auxiliary, Postal Press Editors, Coalition of Labor Union Women, and Family members we have met and learned from who have made our paths a lot brighter during the last 41 years since 1967 when I became a Career Substitute in the old U.S. Post Office Department earning $2.63 hour working every weekend including Sunday and all the Holidays for 15 years before I was able to get a bid to the day shift. The Sky is the Limit and the Future is Yours to generate changes in making your dreams come true.
Since retiring from U. S. Postal Service on Oct. 3, 1992 I have had all three (3) types of skin cancer, endure poly peripheral neuropathy a nerve disease which affects my whole body especially numbness in my feet and legs, have trouble maintaining my balance, get dizzy, and fall sometimes, survived a retropubic prostate removal, four (4) laser eye operations, currently battling low back pain, and have tinnitis or roaring in both ears 24/7 which is incurable. Needless to say, I have already reserved a handicapped mobility scooter for use in Las Vegas at the National APWU Convention Aug. 15-24, 2008. I wish to thank my beloved wife Patsy and my three (3) sons, Gary, Roger, and Alan for their help and support all these years in making our Labor of Love a Family Event as we attended twenty (20) APWU National Conventions since 1972, including Kansas City in 1975!
I have faithfully served all four (4) National APWU Presidents, cigar smoking No Nonsense Stu Filbey (1972-1976 Conventions), street fighter Emmet Andrews (1978-1980 Conventions), my friend and genius Moe Biller (1982-2000 Conventions), and my ex-Army brother Bill Burrus (2002-2004 Conventions), as Chairman and/or Co-Chair and member of the Sergeant-at-Arms Committee and Chief of Security for Moe Biller during 10 Conventions over 20 year span. My concern has always been for the safety and welfare of all the thousands of Officers, Delegates and family members visiting the Convention City, and I could write a book, but I will not even if tortured. Memory is a Wonderful Medicine!
A motion to stimulate the creation of new APWU Area Local/Local Retiree Chapters in the State of Florida by the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter was unanimously passed by the Chapter Executive Board on May 7, 2008 offering a one-time NEW APWU RETIREE CHAPTER ORGANIZATION BONUS of $100.00 in cash to each new Retiree Chapter created upon receipt of the new Chapter's Charter from Washington, D.C. to ensure the new Chapter has funds to open a checking account to operate with until they get their first National APWU Retiree member rebate check, with presentation of the $100.00 CASH BONUS from State Retiree Chapter funds at a regular monthly Chapter meeting of the new Retiree Chapter by the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter President or designee appointed by Chapter President.
Tony Fransetta, President, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA), has announced a quarterly Executive Board meeting and Health Care event to be held in Lakeland, Fl. on Thurs., September 11, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Lakeland Hotel and Conference Center, 3260 US Hwy 98 North, Lakeland, FL 33805. We ask that you arrive on Wed., Sept. 10, 2008 for check in at the hotel. The meetings will run from 9 a.m. until conclusion on Thurs. Sept. 11. There is no registration fee for this special event to be held on the 7th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 sneak attacks against the United States.
Tony Fransetta, President, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA), has announced a quarterly Executive Board meeting and Health Care event to be held in Lakeland, Fl. on Thurs., September 11, 2008 at the Holiday Inn Lakeland Hotel and Conference Center, 3260 US Hwy 98 North, Lakeland, FL 33805. We ask that you arrive on Wed., Sept. 10, 2008 for check in at the hotel. The meetings will run from 9 a.m. until conclusion on Thurs. Sept. 11. There is no registration fee for this special event to be held on the 7th anniversary of the 9/11/2001 sneak attacks against the United States.
Many invited guests and well-known political figures will speak. Go online to http://www.flara.org/ to see our history and a list of current FLARA events. All FLARA Executive Board members, Club and individual members including 3000 APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter members, and invited family/guests are welcome at this exciting gathering to foster support for the important issues that face Florida Union active members, retirees, and seniors. Contact FLARA in West Palm Beach area at 1-561-792-8799 if you are interested or have any questions or comments. Phone Jack Gose, FLARA 2nd Vice President, at 727-343-2998 for more information!
Many invited guests and well-known political figures will speak. Go online to http://www.flara.org/ to see our history and a list of current FLARA events. All FLARA Executive Board members, Club and individual members including 3000 APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter members, and invited family/guests are welcome at this exciting gathering to foster support for the important issues that face Florida Union active members, retirees, and seniors. Contact FLARA in West Palm Beach area at 1-561-792-8799 if you are interested or have any questions or comments. Phone Jack Gose, FLARA 2nd Vice President, at 727-343-2998 for more information!
Holiday Inn double room rate is $89.99 per night plus tax for FLARA members and guests. Call the Holiday Inn directly at 1-863-688-8080 to make room reservations, and ask for the FLARA special group rate. All roads lead to Lakeland for FLARA/APWU Retiree Actions now. The Holiday Inn is just south of I-4 off Exit 32. Join us in real APWU Retiree Solidarity as We Continue to Fight for all of our Future!
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter FREE luncheon, including food, tax, and tip will be paid by the State Chapter for each Retiree Chapter member paying Retiree union dues to the National APWU Retirees Dept. of $24.00 year and one guest, limit of two per family attending the Chapter luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 in the Veranda Restaurant at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel, 150 Australian Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33406, Tel: 1-800-HILTONS or directly 561-684-9400.
Holiday Inn double room rate is $89.99 per night plus tax for FLARA members and guests. Call the Holiday Inn directly at 1-863-688-8080 to make room reservations, and ask for the FLARA special group rate. All roads lead to Lakeland for FLARA/APWU Retiree Actions now. The Holiday Inn is just south of I-4 off Exit 32. Join us in real APWU Retiree Solidarity as We Continue to Fight for all of our Future!
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter FREE luncheon, including food, tax, and tip will be paid by the State Chapter for each Retiree Chapter member paying Retiree union dues to the National APWU Retirees Dept. of $24.00 year and one guest, limit of two per family attending the Chapter luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 in the Veranda Restaurant at the Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel, 150 Australian Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33406, Tel: 1-800-HILTONS or directly 561-684-9400.
Cash Door Prizes of $25.00 will be given to each of the first five (5) Chapter members to sign in at the luncheon. The Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel is off I-95 at Southern Blvd. West exit in the NW corner of I-95 and Southern Blvd. We look forward to a successful Retiree reunion.
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board meeting chaired by President Jack Gose will be held in the same Restaurant from 10 am to 11 am before the luncheon. The APWU of Florida State Spring Seminar semi-annual conclave will conduct educational classes for active and retiree APWU members from Thurs., September 25 thru Sat., September 27, 2008 at the same hotel.
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board meeting chaired by President Jack Gose will be held in the same Restaurant from 10 am to 11 am before the luncheon. The APWU of Florida State Spring Seminar semi-annual conclave will conduct educational classes for active and retiree APWU members from Thurs., September 25 thru Sat., September 27, 2008 at the same hotel.
Retiree Happy folders will be distributed to all those attending, and everyone is invited! Thousands of APWU historical collectibles will be given away FREE by Jack Gose including Convention bags, Resolution books, newsletters, pins, buttons, pictures, and souvenirs from New Orleans 1972 thru Las Vegas 2008.
APWU of Florida group (APWUFL) special room rates are $109.00 nite Sgl/Dbl, plus 11.5 % taxes. Hotel check-in time is after 3:00 PM on the day of arrival. Check-out time is before 12 noon on the day of departure. Guests arriving before 3:00 PM will be accommodated if rooms are available. Self parking is complimentary. We look forward to seeing many of our old friends and meeting new friends. We Love You, APWU!
APWU of Florida group (APWUFL) special room rates are $109.00 nite Sgl/Dbl, plus 11.5 % taxes. Hotel check-in time is after 3:00 PM on the day of arrival. Check-out time is before 12 noon on the day of departure. Guests arriving before 3:00 PM will be accommodated if rooms are available. Self parking is complimentary. We look forward to seeing many of our old friends and meeting new friends. We Love You, APWU!
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