An innovative daily Retiree Newsletter publication, “21st Century APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, AFL-CIO, News Official Website Online,” was launched on November 15, 2006 to serve over 3,000 APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter active and retiree dues paying members and their families residing in the State of Florida zip code 320 thru 349 and wherever they move out of state.

New policies grandfathered in from the National APWU Retirees Department implemented in October, 2006 require that any APWU Retiree member paying $24.00 year or $2.00 month to the National APWU Retirees Department in Washington, D.C. must be listed as a Chapter member from the APWU Local Union they were a member of prior to retirement from the U.S. Postal Service, NO MATTER WHERE THEY LIVE IN THE WORLD! The only exception would be if they requested in writing to be transferred to a Retiree Chapter in the state where they have moved to, such as Florida!

Jack Gose, President of the State Retiree Chapter, is the first Editor of the new Retiree Newsletter Website Online named “RETIREE PARADISE.” The State Retiree Chapter Constitution & By-Laws address the need for a Retiree Editor to communicate and share information with APWU active and retiree members and their families, and the website was created FREE using Blogger Beta by Jack Gose online at
www.retireeparadise.blogspot.com in response to the new generation Universe we call Home! It feels great to live in Florida!

Our APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Online Newsletter leads the nation in new ideas, and is a Proud member of the APWU National Postal Press Association, Florida Postal Press Association, and Florida Alliance for Retired Americans. The State Retiree Chapter was chartered in March, 2002 and this fantastic original Retiree website is a Work in Progress for anyone who expresses a Labor of Love, What Unionism is All About. No State APWU Retiree union dues to pay!
You will find many interesting Retiree articles and photos on this new website to titillate your imagination. If you have any questions or comments concerning RETIREE PARADISE, contact Jack Gose, President and Editor, at my home phone 727-343-2998 or E-mail me at www.jak.gose@excite.com with your articles, suggestions, or requests. I have Verizon Freedom package 24/7 in the United States and DSL with Yahoo Blogger Beta style! I Love You!
Jack Gose, President

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