APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter will send President Jack Gose and Legislative Director Dave Bernstein to attend the Legislative Conference of the National Alliance for Retired Americans (NARA) Sept. 4-7, 2007 in Washington, D.C., and they will lobby our Congress on Capitol Hill on Retiree, Senior, and Postal Reform issues. The APWU Delegates will represent 3,000 APWU Retirees in the State of Florida who pay $24.00 year union dues to the National APWU Retirees Department. The State Retiree Chapter pays full membership dues to the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, Inc., a 501 C (3) charitable and educational organization. Visit our Retiree website at for more Retiree info, and it only takes a minute to load!

The Convention is to be held Tuesday, September 4 thru Friday, Sept. 7, 2007 at the Hilton Washington and Towers Union Hotel, 1919 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20009. The Hilton is located near DuPont Circle and Embassy Row. Hotel room rates are $146.00 night plus 14.5 % taxes, and are guaranteed until July 20, 2007. Check-in time is 3 pm; check-out time is 12 noon. Hotel reservations should be made by calling the Hilton Washington and Towers directly toll-free at 1-888-324-4586 and ask for the special Alliance for Retired Americans group rate.
The Conference registration early bird fee is $80.00, if received by July 20, 2007. After that date, the registration fee is $95.00. A Banquet featuring a noted personality is set for Thurs., Sept. 6 at 6 pm. Banquet tickets are $70.00 person and should be ordered with the registration form. Tickets will be issued on a first come, first serve basis. You will receive your tickets when you arrive at the Conference. To register, phone toll-free 1-888-373-6497 and ask for Joni Jones at Registration Desk, or E-mail to or visit our ARA national website at for more late breaking news. Lobby Day is Thursday, Sept. 6, 2007 and eat with us in the Senate cafeteria!
The opening session is to begin at 3 pm on Tues., Sept. 4, and the last event will conclude by 3 pm on Fri., Sept. 7, 2008. You will be in Washington, D.C. only 3 nights! The Alliance has grown to over 3.4 million members in 27 chartered states since formed by the National AFL-CIO in 2001, and the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA) has increased to over 220,000 dues paying members in the State of Florida from 22 different international unions and over 100 community based groups since 2002 being the 2nd state to be chartered by NARA, a 501 C (4) organization which is issues oriented.
We are frankly shocked to arrive in Washington, D.C. at the Hilton Hotel where President Ronald Reagan was shot, and when checking in at the registration desk to find that only a handful of APWU Retirees are registered Delegates to this annual Retiree Conference representing all the AFL-CIO unions in America. Last year in 2006, only three (3) APWU Delegates were in attendance, two from APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter and one from Atlanta, GA. The National Alliance for Retired Americans annual dues is only $10.00 year which covers both the APWU Retiree member and spouse.
This is your opportunity to join your brothers and sisters from other AFL-CIO International Unions in a show of Solidarity. ARA State Chapters have been chartered in the below TWENTY-SEVEN (27) states in the last five (5) years since 2002: AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, ME, MD/DC, MN, MO, NE, NV, NM, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VT, WA, WV, and WISC.
Illinois was the first state to receive an ARA State Charter and Florida was the second state chartered in 2002. As the elected 2nd Vice President of the Florida ARA Chapter, comprised of over 220,000 dues paying members paying 25 cents per member, per year, I am proud of the accomplishments we have achieved over the last five (5) years, thanks to FLARA President Tony Fransetta from Wellington, FL. We hope to see some new APWU Delegate faces at the Conference in our nation’s Capitol on Sept. 4-7, 2007!


Four (4) smiling APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Officers and Delegates share a group photo with FLARA President Tony Fransetta pictured on right in white polo shirt after their election to the FLARA Executive Board, installation of officers, and adjournment of the 2-day annual Florida Alliance for Retired Americans State Convention on Tue., June 5, 2007, held at the Florida Hotel & Conference Center, Orlando, FL. (L to R: Chapter Legislative Director Dave Bernstein from Tampa; Jerome Hipscher, winner of 2007 U. S. A. President's Call to Service Award; Chapter Secretary-Treasurer Mario G. Miceli from Clearwater; Chapter President Jack Gose from South Pasadena; and FLARA President Tony Fransetta from Wellington, FL.)
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter FREE BREAKFAST will be given to each Retiree Chapter member paying APWU Retiree union dues of $2.00 month or $24.00 year to the National APWU Retirees Department and one guest attending the semi-annual APWU of Florida Retirees Chapter Breakfast to be held in the Mahi Mahi onsite Restaurant, 51 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Gulf Breeze, Fl 32561 at the end of the 3-mile bridge from Pensacola in the Florida Panhandle, from 7:00 am to 8:30 am on Saturday, September 8, 2007. The FREE breakfast includes food, taxes, and gratuity for each APWU Retiree Chapter Member and one spouse or family member, limited to two (2) FREE breakfasts for each Chapter member.
Up to five (5) $25.00 CASH DOOR PRIZES will be awarded to the first five (5) lucky Chapter Retirees signing in at the Chapter Breakfast who pay Retiree union dues to the National APWU in Washington, D.C., according to Jack Gose, Chapter President.
An APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board meeting of Retiree Chapter Officers in attendance will be held in the Mahi Mahi Restaurant Private Dining Area (PDR) during the breakfast, to discuss and plan for future Florida State Retiree Chapter activities in 2007 and 2008. Florida has the most active Retiree Chapter in the Nation!
The APWU of Florida Fall Educational Seminar for active and retiree APWU members begins on Thurs., Sept. 6 thru Sat., Sept. 8, 2007 at the Quality Inn Bay Beach in Gulf Breeze where the semi-annual conclave is to be held for educational classes arranged by Pete Trunzo, Education Director. Check elsewhere in this issue for a list of classes and instructors, or go online to to get the information.
APWU of Florida special group single/double room rate is $69.00 nite or $99.00 nite for poolside plus 10.5 % taxes. Phone the Quality Inn on Gulf Breeze Parkway at 1-850-932-2214 to reserve your room. Members must indicate the “APWU” group name to get a room.
President Jack Gose and Legislative Director Dave Bernstein will be representing the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter attending the Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference at the Hilton Hotel on Connecticut Ave in Washington, D.C. from Tue., Sept. 5 to Fri., Sept. 7, 2007. They have appointments with our Congressional Senators and Representatives on Capitol Hill, and will be lobbying for the preservation of APWU Active and Retiree issues dear to the hearts of all of us like Social Security, Medicare, Prescription Drugs, Housing, and other Federal Employee entitlements.
We will also ask our elected Congress to co-sponsor S. 773 and H.R. 1110, legislation that would offset the rising cost of postal, military, and federal retirees’ health insurance premiums by allowing them to pay for their healthcare insurance with pre-tax income, saving the typical postal retiree yearly about $435. Members of Congress will be urged to co-sponsor and pass S. 206 and H.R. 82 legislation that would repeal the unfair Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provisions (WEP) of Social Security that deny earned benefits to CSRS retirees.
APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Vice President Valentine Serpico from Ft. Lauderdale and Secretary-Treasurer Mario Miceli from Clearwater will attend all three (3) days of the Fall Seminar, and President Jack Gose will attend the Sat., Sept. 8 classes.
Tony Fransetta, President, Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA), has announced a quarterly Executive Board meeting and FLARA Legislative Conference to be held in Tampa, FL. on Monday, Sept. 10, 2007 at the Grand Suites Tampa Bay (former Doubletree Guest Suites Busch Gardens), 11310 N. 30th Street, Tampa, FL 33612.
The Grand Suites Tampa Bay (former Doubletree Suites Busch Gardens) is an all suites hotel and the FLARA standard room discounted rate is $89.00, plus 12 % taxes per night, for FLARA members and guests. Standard Suite has a king size and pull-out bed, refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, and house up to four people. Call the Grand Suites Tampa Bay Hotel at 1-813-971-7690 to make room reservations, and ask for the FLARA special group rate. You are to arrive on Sunday, Sept. 9, 2007 and check in at the hotel after 3 pm and checkout time is 11 am on Monday, Sept. 10, 2007. All roads lead to Tampa Town for FLARA/APWU Retiree Actions now. Join us in real APWU Retiree Solidarity to protect all of our Futures!
The conclave has been called to discuss and layout plans for action in the State of Florida and in the Fall/Winter session of Congress. The meetings will be held on Monday, Sept. 10, 2007 and will run from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with a break for lunch from 12 noon to 1 p.m. Many invited guests and well-known political figures will speak. Every APWU active and retiree member is invited to attend! Go online to to see our history!
All FLARA Executive Board members, Club and individual members including 3000 APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter members and invited family/guests are welcome at this exciting gathering to foster support for the important issues that face APWU of Florida Union active members, retirees, and seniors. Please contact FLARA President Tony Fransetta in West Palm Beach area at 1-561-792-8799 if you are interested in attending or have any questions or comments. Phone Jack Gose, FLARA 2nd Vice President, at 727-343-2998 or go to to ask for more information!
The Florida AFL-CIO Biennial Convention will be held at the Tradewinds Island Resorts, 5500 Gulf Blvd., St. Petersburg Beach, FL 33706, 25 acres of Tropical Heaven, from Mon., Oct. 1 thru Wed., Oct. 3, 2007 according to President Cindy Hall. Every seat on the Florida AFL-CIO 42-member Executive Board is up for election, and it is expected there will a large turnout of elected Delegates and Guests from all over the state for this event. The Florida AFL-CIO New Alliance policies go into effect at this Convention, and it is hoped that several APWU locals will send Delegates to attend this Extravaganza.
Registration fee is $75.00 to attend and get a complete Florida AFL-CIO Convention bag with all the Officer’s reports and resolutions. For Delegates who only attend the Convention to cast a vote, there is a $10.00 registration fee but no Convention bag is given. Contact Dwayne Sealey, Secretary-Treasurer, Florida AFL-CIO, 135 S. Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL 32301 or phone 850-224-6926 to pay your registration.
To reserve a Tradewinds Island Resort standard room at the Florida AFL-CIO group rate of $109. night plus 12 % tax, phone 727-363-2200 before August 20, 2007 for this great rate. If you have any questions or need more info, contact Jack Gose 24/7 at 727-343-2998!


Tony Fiore, age 87, clad in blue shirt and shorts, wearing a cap and eyeglasses, and author of the below article is pictured in the left rear of this photo taken at the Suncoast Area Local Retirees Chapter luncheon held at Buddy Freddys Buffet Restaurant, Holiday, Fl. on Tue., March 27, 2007. (Photo taken with a Kodak 800 speed Flash camera by President Jack Gose)
Dear Editor: On Saturday, May 19th, 2007 it will be Armed Forces Day. In 1944, 16,535,000 Americans were in uniform. That was World War II and 16,129,000 survived. As of Sept. 6, 2006, 3,064,236 were still alive. According to the U.S. Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs, 1,100 are dying every day, about 400,000 each year.
It is sad but true, the World War II veterans will soon be gone. We must recognize them while they are still here. If your neighbor is 79 or older, he or she is probably a World War II veteran.
World War I (1917-1918) 4,744,000 fought in that war, supposedly the war to end all wars. 116,000 were killed. As of July 1, 1998, 4,800 were still living. But it’s now 2007 and at the last count that number is down to eight.
The Korean Conflict (1950-1955), “The Forgotten War” 6,807,000 were there. 55,000 gave their lives in an effort to stop the spread of communism. In July 1955, the Korean War Memorial was dedicated in Washington, D.C. Inscribed on the granite slab is “Our Nation Honors Her Sons and Daughters Who Answered the Call to Defend a Country They Never Knew and a People They Never Met” – 1950-Korea-1953.
The Vietnam Era (1964-1975), 9,200,000 answered the call with 58,151 dead. The Gulf War 3,800,000 were there and 9,000 now dead. We now have Afghanistan and Iraq. Yes, we are at war. In Iraq, the toll for young men and women killed is up over 3,600 and in Afghanistan over 407 killed. We offer only our prayers and hope they will soon return home.
We owe a lot to the Armed Forces, past and present. God Bless America.
[Tony Fiore is an active APWU member of the Florida Suncoast Retiree Chapter #1228, and lives in Gulfport, FL 33707. He attends the Local Chapter luncheon and business meetings in Holiday, FL., and is a contributing writer to the Gulfport Gabber area newsletter from which the above article was retrieved and updated.]


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