September 12-15, 2001, Orlando, Fl.: APWU of Florida Executive Board, chaired by President Martha Shunn-King, votes to sponsor formation of an APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter after a presentation on the benefits of a State Retiree Chapter organization by Jack Gose, President, Florida Suncoast Retiree Chapter, American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO.
March 15, 2002, Jacksonville, Fl.: A scheduled luncheon meeting occurred in order to organize an APWU State Retiree Chapter under the authority given in the National APWU Constitution & By-Laws. A proposed State Retiree Chapter Constitution & By-Laws and a list of interim Chapter officers was approved by the APWU Retirees present, and then they were delivered personally to John R. Smith, National Retiree Director, as approved by President Martha Shunn-King.
May 8-11, 2002, Orlando, Fl.: Twenty-three (23) new generation APWU Retirees, officers, Auxiliary, and guests attended the first Founders APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Convention held with a luncheon (Dutch treat) and 3-hour business session. John R. Smith, invited guest speaker, then installed the new State Retiree Chapter officers, which was preceded by the presentation of a Natl. APWU Retirees Dept. Charter to the Chapter President, Jack Gose. Eight (8) Retiree Chapter resolutions and constitutional changes were adopted unanimously by the Chapter delegates.
June 7-9, 2002, Lake Buena Vista, Fl.: The APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter affiliates with the Florida Alliance of Retired Americans (FLARA), and a Charter was presented to our State Chapter at the first FLARA Convention. The mission of the National Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA), headquartered in Washington, D.C., is to involve legislation, public affairs, communications, member education, and mobilization on paramount retiree and union issues. Jack Gose, State Chapter Delegate representing the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, was elected by the Delegates to the FLARA Executive Board which meets quarterly around the State of Florida.
Sept. 3-5, 2002, Washington, D.C.: Our Chapter sends a State Chapter Delegate, Jack Gose, to the first National Alliance for Retired Americans (ARA) Convention at Washington Hilton Hotel and Towers to kick off National and State Retiree and 2002 election issues. Rally and lobby day occurred with a mammoth march of hundreds in the streets to protest high prescription drug prices. Social Security and Medicare protection were top agenda issues dealt with by the Delegates and addressed by numerous Congressional guest speakers.
Sept. 20-21, 2002, Daytona Beach Shores, Fl.: President Jack Gose attends Florida Alliance for Retired Americans quarterly Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Holiday Inn.
September 27-29, 2002, Fort Myers, Fl.: State Chapter schedules a Retirees Luncheon (Dutch treat) at the APWU of Florida fall seminar hotel with thirty (30) attending. Similar luncheons are planned for future spring and fall seminars in Florida. APWU of Florida State Executive Board, chaired by Martha Shunn-King, approves the mailing of Florida Postal Worker to all 2376 State Retiree Chapter $24.00 year dues paying members. Retirement class held for active membership.
Dec. 13-14, 2002, West Palm Beach, Fl.: President Jack Gose attends Florida Alliance for Retired Americans quarterly Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Holiday Inn Palm Beach Airport.
March 17-18, 2003, Tallahassee, Fl.: President of State Chapter attends FLARA Executive Board meeting and first annual FLARA Legislative Conference to lobby legislators on Retiree and union issues affecting our active and retired members.
March 21-23, 2003, Lakeland, Fl.: Sue Carney, National APWU Human Relations Director, our invited guest speaker, gave a glowing tribute at the Retirees luncheon (Dutch treat) with forty (40) in attendance, to all the APWU Retiree members living in Florida who have paid union dues all of their working lives and continue to do so.
***** 515 new Retiree Chapter members have signed up on APWU Retired Member Form 1187 during the Chapter organization drive from Nov. 1, 2002 thru April 30, 2003 to make Florida #1 in APWU Retiree organization in the nation. We now have 2765 APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter members.
June 22-24, 2003, Lake Buena Vista, Fl.: Retiree Chapter President is a Delegate to Florida Alliance for Retired Americans 2nd Annual Convention at Hotel Royal Plaza.
July 1, 2003, South Pasadena, Fl.: Retiree Chapter President Jack Gose creates an APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, AFL-CIO, website which was launched on July 1, 2003 followed up by links with National APWU at www.apwu.org – Suncoast Area Local #1228 at www.apwu1228.org - 21st Century Postal Workers at www.21cpw.com – and Postal Reporter at www.postalreporter.com under 22 Retirement Tips to name a few.
Sept. 3-5, 2003, Washington, D.C.: Jack Gose, Retiree Chapter President, is a Chapter Delegate to 2nd National Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference at Washington Hilton Hotel & Towers.
Sept. 12-13, 2003, Jacksonville, Fl.: Retiree Chapter President is a Delegate to Florida Alliance for Retired Americans quarterly Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Embassy Suites Hotel.
Sept. 17-19, 2003, Fort Walton Beach, Fl.: Bob Tunstall, Natl. APWU Sec./Tr. was our invited guest speaker honoring our APWU of Florida Chapter membership at Retirees luncheon held at Radisson Beach Resort, site of Fall Educational Seminar.
Sep. 20-24, 2003, Jacksonville, Fl.: Retiree Chapter President attends Florida AFL-CIO Convention at Jacksonville Riverfront Hotel with President Martha Shunn-King who is elected as Vice President at Large on the Florida AFL-CIO Executive Board.
Nov. 20, 2003, Miami, Fl.: Two Chapter Officers ride bus with 27 other UAW Retirees to AFL-CIO-Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Anti-Free Trade of the Americas (FTAA) Rally and March on Biscayne Blvd. in downtown Miami, Fl. with 2,500 other union members restricted by over 2,000 Miami Police Dept. Robo-Cops.
March 10-13, 2004, Cape Canaveral, Fl.: Jim McCarthy, Natl. APWU Clerk Craft Dir., was our invited guest speaker who honored our State Retiree Chapter at Retirees Chapter luncheon with 60 active members in attendance held at Radisson Resort at the Port during the APWU of Florida State Spring Educational Seminar.
March 21-23, 2004, Tallahassee, Fl.: Chapter President is a Delegate to Florida Alliance for Retired Americans quarterly Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Ramada Inn Tallahassee.
May 12, 2004, 2nd Biennial State Retiree Convention, Daytona Beach, Fl.: John R. Smith, Natl. APWU Retiree Director, was our invited guest speaker at the Retirees luncheon and Convention at Plaza Resort & Spa with twenty-five (25) APWU members and families in attendance. State Retiree Constitution was amended to include a Legislative Director on the Executive Board. Our Chapter membership has increased to 3037 dues paying members as of April, 2004.
May 13-15, 2004, Daytona Beach, Fl.: Six Retiree Chapter Officers and members attended the APWU of Florida 3-day State Convention at the Plaza Resort & Spa.
May 16-18, 2004, Jacksonville, Fl.: Two Chapter officers were delegates to 1st Southern Regional Alliance for Retired Americans Conference at Hilton Riverfront Hotel. Retiree Delegates were present from 12 southern states from Texas to Virginia to set up an organization Constitution and By-Laws with classes on legislation.
June 20-22, 2004, Lake Buena Vista, Fl.: Chapter President is a Delegate to Florida Alliance for Retired Americans 3rd annual Convention at Royal Plaza Hotel.
Aug. 19-26, 2004, Los Angeles, CA: Chapter President attends National APWU Retirement Planning and Legislative workshops at Wilshire Grand Hotel, National APWU Retiree and Clerk Craft Conferences, Picketing, COPA night, Parade of States, and elected APWU of Florida State Delegate at 5-day National Convention being held at Staples Convention Center in downtown L.A.
Sept. 10-13, 2004, New Port Richey, Fl.: Chapter President attends Florida Alliance for Retired Americans quarterly Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Clarion/Quality Inn & Suites including rally and demonstrations.
Oct. 21-23, 2004, Lake Buena Vista, Fl.: Chapter has Retiree Chapter luncheon at the APWU of Florida Fall Educational Seminar in Wyndham Palace Resort & Spa.
Oct. 24-27, 2004, Lake Buena Vista, Fl.: Retiree Chapter President Jack Gose gives opening welcome and closing speeches for the first National APWU Health Plan Seminar ever held in State of Florida, and played host to all the visiting officers and members at Wyndham Palace Resort & Spa. President Bill Burrus was the main speaker at the banquet for all the Health Plan Representatives from 50 states.
Nov. 3-6, 2004, Boston, Ma.: Chapter President attends National APWU Retirement Counselor Seminar taught by National APWU Retirees Director John R. Smith at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel & Towers.
Dec. 17-18, 2004, West Palm Beach, Fl.: Chapter President attends Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Palm Beach Airport Hilton Hotel.
Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2005, Tallahassee, Fl.: Chapter President attends Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Ramada Inn Tallahassee.
Apr. 25-30, 2005, St. Petersburg, Fl.: Chapter President attends National APWU Secretary-Treasurer 3-day Seminar taught by Judy Beard, conducts Chapter Executive Board meeting and FREE Retiree luncheon for 11 members and invited guests, and displays many tables of APWU Retirees history at APWU of Florida 3-day Spring Educational Seminar at Hilton Hotel.
June 12-14, 2005, Daytona Beach Shores, Fl.: Three Retiree Chapter Delegates attend Florida Alliance for Retired Americans 4th annual Convention at Holiday Inn. Jack Gose is elected by FLARA delegates as 2nd Vice President of the 200,000 dues paying member non-profit organization. Dave Bernstein is elected to the Executive Board. National ARA President George Kourpias installs the newly elected officers.
Sept. 7-9, 2005, Washington, D.C.: Chapter President is a delegate to National Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference at Washington Hilton Hotel & Towers. We rally in the downtown Park, and ride buses to our legislative appointments with our Congressional Representatives and Senators.
Sept. 16-17, 2005, Tampa, Fl.: Two Retiree Chapter Officers attend Florida Alliance for Retired Americans quarterly Executive Board meeting & Legislative Conference with a full house of 75 Retirees and guests present at Doubletree Hotel.
Oct. 10-12, 2005, Lake Buena Vista, Fl.: Two Retiree Chapter Officers attend Florida AFL-CIO Convention at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort. President Jack Gose sets up APWU displays in vendor area, and greets AFL-CIO President John Sweeney upon entering hall.
Nov. 1-5, 2005, Jacksonville, Fl.: Three Retiree Chapter Officers attend the Retiree luncheon, National APWU Retirement class for 30 students, and the APWU of Florida 3-day Fall Educational Seminar at Radisson Riverwalk Hotel. The 2-day Retirement classes were taught by Douglas Cowan Holbrook, National APWU Retirees Dept. Director.
Nov. 27-28, 2005, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl.: Two Retiree Chapter Officers attend Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Doubletree Hotel.
Feb. 28-Mar. 2, 2006, Tallahassee, Fl.: Three Retiree Chapter Officers attend Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference at Ramada Inn Tallahassee.
Mar. 29-Apr. 1, 2006, Gainesville, Fl.: Three Retiree Chapter Officers attend Retiree Luncheon, National APWU 2-day Retirement class for 30 students, and APWU of Florida 3-day Spring Educational Seminar at Best Western Gateway Grand Hotel. The retirement class was taught by Douglas Cowan Holbrook, National Director of Retirees Dept., Washington, D.C.
May 10, 2006, 3rd Biennial State Retiree Convention, Daytona Beach, Fl.: Douglas Cowan Holbrook, Natl. APWU Retiree Director, was our invited guest speaker at the Retirees luncheon at Plaza Resort & Spa and Convention at Plaza Ocean Club Hotel with twenty (20) APWU members and families in attendance. State Retiree Chapter Constitution was amended to include a Health Plan Director and Benefits and Organizing Director on the Executive Board. The Delegates approved paying full per capita membership to FLARA on 3,000 dues paying members of APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, @ 25 cents per member, per year, as of May, 2006. Chapter Constitutional changes and Resolutions were debated and approved.
May 11-13, 2006, Daytona Beach, Fl.: Seven Retiree Chapter Officers and members attended the APWU of Florida 3-day State Convention at the Plaza Ocean Club Hotel.
May 19-21, 2006, Tampa, Fl.: Two Retiree Chapter Officers attend the Florida AFL-CIO COPE Endorsing Conference at Wyndham Westshore Hotel, and FLARA Vice President Jack Gose served as spokesperson and cast a vote for FLARA’s 200,000 members for approval of Florida AFL-CIO New Alliance in Florida.
June 4-6, 2006, Altamonte Springs, Fl.: Three Retiree Chapter Officer Delegates attend Florida Alliance for Retired Americans 5th annual Convention at Hilton Hotel. A FLARA demonstration and rally is held in downtown Orlando against the actions of a local U. S. Congressman.
Aug. 11-19, 2006, Philadelphia, Pa.: Three Retiree Chapter Officer Delegates attend National APWU Retiree and Clerk Craft Conferences, National ABA Convention, Picketing, COPA night, Parade of States, National APWU Retirement Planning and Legislative workshops, and all three served as elected APWU of Florida State Delegates at 5-day National APWU Convention being held at Pennsylvania Convention Center in downtown Philadelphia, Pa.
Sept. 5-8, 2006, Washington, D.C.: Two Retiree Chapter Officer Delegates attend the National Alliance for Retired Americans Constitutional Convention & Legislative Conference at Washington Hilton Hotel & Towers. We rode buses to a much publicized rally in downtown Capitol Park, and walked up the hill to our legislative appointments with our Congressional Representatives and Senators.
Sept. 10-11, 2006, St. Petersburg Beach, Fl.: Four Retiree Chapter Officers attend Florida Alliance for Retired Americans quarterly Executive Board meeting & Legislative Conference with a full house of 60 Retirees and invited guests present at Dolphin Beach Resort. Several Local, State, and National candidates for State and Federal elected offices spoke from the dais, and everyone enjoyed the luncheon.
Oct. 25-28, 2006, Ft. Myers, Fl.: Three Retiree Chapter Officers attend Retiree Luncheon, National APWU 1-day Retirement class for 30 students, and APWU of Florida Fall 3-day Educational Seminar at Holiday Inn Select. The retirement class was taught by Douglas Cowan Holbrook, National Director of Retirees Dept., Washington, D.C.
Nov. 15, 2006, South Pasadena, Fl.: Retiree Chapter President Jack Gose launches a new APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, AFL-CIO, website named “Retiree Paradise” on the internet at www.retireeparadise.blogspot.com to share Retiree information online with APWU active and retiree union members and their families.*
Dec. 4, 2006, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl.: Two Retiree Chapter Officers attend the quarterly Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board and Legislative Conference meeting at the Doubletree Hotel, 4431 PGA Blvd 33410. A packed house of sixty (60) members and guests listened to presentations by several newly elected state and federal office holders including a Congressman elect from Florida. Health insurance was a dominant issue during the day, and a National ARA officer from Washington, D.C. spoke on mobilization of Retirees.
Mar. 20-22, 2007, Tallahassee, FL.: Two APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter elected officers Pres. Jack Gose representing the Staate Chapter and Sec.-Treas. Mario Miceli representing the Florida Suncoast Retiree Chapter, Suncoast Area Local #1228, APWU attended the annual Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference and Executive Board meeting held in Holiday Inn and Suites, 2725 Graves Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303. A FLARA Press Conference was held in the Capitol Bldg. Rotunda on the 4th floor in downtown Tally with noted elected officials speaking to the media and 30 FLARA members present. The 2-day conference at the hotel included many elected cabinet and state legislators such as Lt. Gov. Jeff Kottcamp, Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink, Rep. Susan Bucher, poster child of FLARA, and Senator Bill Nelson's staff member Lynn Bannister. Rich Fiesta represented the National Alliance for Retired Americans from Wash., D.C. and Maria Cordone from IAM&AW. Health and property insurance, real estate taxes, and housing in the State of Florida were some of the issues debated and reported on by various speakers to 60 FLARA members in attendance.
May 9-12, 2007, West Palm Beach, FL.: Three APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Officers attended the Chapter Exec. Board Meeting & Retirees Luncheon in the Veranda Restaurant inside the Hilton Palm Beach Airport Hotel, 150 Australian Ave., W. Palm Beach, FL 33406 on May 9, 2007. Jack Gose represented the State Chapter, Mario Miceli the Florida Suncoast Retiree Chapter, Suncoast Area Local #1228, and Dave Bernstein the Tampa Area Local Retiree Chapter #259. They were joined by another APWU Retiree who is interested in organizing an APWU Local Retiree Chapter in West Palm Beach, and the four (4) Retirees attended Spring Seminar Educational separate classes May 10-12 taught by Judy Beard, Natl. APWU Asst. Sec.-Treas. on Sec.-Treasurer, Dept. of Labor, I.R.S., and Constitution and By-Laws, Mike Ganino's presentation on APW-Accident Benefit Assn., and the Florida Local President's Conference on May 9. Natl. APWU President Bill Burrus, Sec.-Treas. Terry Stapleton, and Regional Coordinator Bill Sullivan, Craft Division Directors, and NBAs were present to help educate 145 active and retiree members on current important legislative and political issues. USPS Retirement info was distributed to all the attendees, and new ideas were the Order of the Day!
June 3-5, 2007, Orlando, Fl.: Three elected APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter officers were Delegates at the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA) Convention, held at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center, 1500 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809. Jerome J. Hipscher, an APWU Delegate from Orlando, and the recipient of the 2007 President's Call to Service Award for volunteer service to the community also attended the 2-day conclave. Karen L. Thurman, Florida Democratic Party Chair addressed the assembly, several Florida State Legislators gave reports, and Exec. Director Ed Coyle, National Alliance for Retired Americans, installed the newly elected FLARA Executive Board officers and members, including APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter President Jack Gose, Sec.-Treas. Mario Miceli, and Legislative Director Dave Bernstein. Mario was an elected Delegate from Suncoast Area Local #1228 Retiree Chapter and Dave from Tampa Area Local #0259 Retiree Chapter.
Sept. 4-7, 2007, Washington, D.C.: President Jack Gose and Legislative Director Dave Bernstein attend the National Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Conference at the Washington Hilton and Towers. Over 600 Alliance Delegates rode buses to the downtown Capitol Park, and we walked up the Hill to our legislative appointments at the offices of Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL-11), Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), and Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL) to press our APWU active and Retiree agenda items, such as Social Security, Medicare, Health Insurance, Housing, and Protection of our Federal Entitlement benefits.
Sept. 6-8, 2007, Gulf Breeze, FL.: Pres. Jack Gose and Sec.-Treas. Mario Miceli attend Retirees Chapter FREE breakfast and Executive Board meeting at Quality Inn, Gulf Breeze, FL with John R. Smith, former National APWU Retirees Director, and assist John R. in teaching Retirement Planning class of 20 present at the APWU of Florida Fall Seminar on Sat., Sept. 8, 2007. Mario and Valentine Serpico representing the Broward County Area Local Retiree Chapter, APWU #1201 attended the seminar education classes on Sept. 6-7 in Gulf Breeze while Jack and Dave were in Washington, D.C. lobbying for the State Retiree Chapter.
Sept. 9-10, 2007, Tampa, FL.: Board of Directors member Pres. Jack Gose, 2nd Vice President of Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, and Dave Bernstein, Board member, representing Tampa Area Local Retiree Chapter #259 carried out their assignments at the quarterly FLARA Executive Board and Legislative Conference held at Grand Suites Hotel where over 65 officers and guests were present to hear from several local, county, and state legislators covering important issues to Floridians such as taxes, insurance, housing, and voting.
Sept. 30-October 3, 2007, St. Petersburg Beach, FL: The Florida AFL-CIO Biennial Convention was held at the Tradewinds Island Resort, 5500 Gulf Blvd., St. Petersburg Beach, FL. with the West Central Florida Federation of Labor Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO hosting the successful labor event. Pres. Jack Gose represented the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter at the 4-day event, and was honored by being invited to give the Invocation at the General Session on Mon., Oct. 1 to open the Convention. He also displayed APWU, FLARA, and AFL-CIO FREE handout union materials and pictures on 3 separate tables in the Vendor area, and volunteered as the Banker for the Union Label Committee members when they checked for 3 Union Labels on everyone entering the Assembly. Five (5) other APWU delegates attended including Legislative Director Retiree Dave Bernstein, with Pres. Martha Shunn-King winning the election as Florida AFL-CIO Vice President for APWU which now has APWU Locals paying union dues on over 5,000 members to the State AFL-CIO body.
Nov. 5-8, 2007, Las Vegas, NV: Jack Gose and Mario Miceli were delegates to the National APWU All Crafts and Retirees Conferences held at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel and Convention Center representing the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter. The National APWU Retirees Conference was chaired Nov. 5-6 by Retirees Dept. Director Douglas Cowan Holbrook in Pavilion 6 attended by 60 Delegates, including two from Canada's trade union. Florida was well represented with Retirees Dave Bernstein from APWU of Florida State Executive Board and Valentine Serpico, President, Broward County Area Local Retiree Chapter #1201. On Nov. 7-8, over 2500 APWU members attended Craft and Legislative classes on many subjects, and the installation of 85 newly elected Natl. APWU officers including Judy Beard, Retiree Director, occured at a dinner banquet on Nov. 8.
Dec. 3, 2007, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl.: Four (4) APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Officers attended the quarterly Florida Alliance for Retired Americans Executive Board and Legislative Conference meeting and luncheon at the Doubletree Hotel, 4431 PGA Blvd 33410. Jack Gose, President, APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter and 2nd VP of FLARA, Mario Miceli, State Chapter Sec.-Treas. represented the Florida Suncoast Retiree Chapter, Suncoast Area Local APWU #1228, Valentine Serpico, State Chapter Vice President represented Broward County Area Local Retiree Chapter #1201, and Dave Bernstein, State Chapter Legislative Director represented Tampa Area Local Retiree Chapter, APWU #259. Jack, Mario, and Dave are also elected members of the FLARA Executive Board. A packed house of seventy (70) members and guests listened to presentations by several elected state and federal office holders including Congressman Tim Mahoney (D-FL-16) from Florida's West Palm Beach area. Health insurance was a dominant issue during the day, and a roadmap was laid out for the upcoming FLARA Legislative Conference to be held in Tallahassee in March, 2008.
Wed., March 5, 2008, Kissimmee, FL.: Four (4) APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Officers attended the Chapter Executive Board meeting and Retiree Luncheon in the Mandolin Restaurant, Radisson Resort Orlando Celebration Hotel, 2900 Parkway Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34747, including Pres. Jack Gose from South Pasadena, VP Val Serpico from Fort Lauderdale, Sec.-Treas. Mario Miceli from Clearwater, and Legislative Dir. Dave Bernstein from Tampa. Several motions and resolutions were discussed, amended, and approved by the Exec. Board for upcoming state and national events. Jack, Val, and Dave attended classes at the APWU of Florida State Spring Seminar in the same hotel from March 6-8, 2008. The APWU host Central Florida Area Local was most gracious to the Chapter Retirees, and FREE Happy folders chock full of Retiree info were handed out to all the 23 APWU Local Presidents in attendance. Displays of FREE Historical pictures and freebies were distributed from several 8 foot tables in the Conference Center foyer to the delight of the active and retiree Postal Workers.
March 18-20, 2008, Tallahassee, FL.: President Jack Gose represented the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter at the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA) Executive Board meeting and Legislative Conference, held at Holiday Inn and Suites, 2725 Graves Road, Tallahassee, FL 32303. The 2-day Conference was well attended by 60 Board members and invited guests from the State of Florida and other parts of the nation. Karen Thurman, Chair, Florida Democratic Party, spoke on the issue of whether Florida's early primary voting on Jan. 29, 2008 will permit Democratic Delegates to be seated in Denver at the National Democratic Convention. Several speakers covered other topics on health insurance, housing, medicaid, taxes, and nursing homes. A press conference was held in the State Capitol Plaza level discussing housing proposals for seniors in Florida, and we attended a House conference meeting on a bill introduced by Rep. Gelber (D) to reduce giveaways in the State corporate income tax structure which was voted down by the 2/3 Republican majority on the Committee. Sarah Byrne, Esq., National Alliance for Retired Americans Legislative Representative, flew in from Washington, D.C. to join our activities and left very impressed with the progress we are making in Florida.
May 7-10, 2008, Melbourne, FL: Twenty-one (21) Retiree Chapter officers and members, active officers and members, and family guests attended our 4th Biennial APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Exec. Board and Luncheon meetings, and Retiree Convention at the Crowne Plaza Hotel & Spa on Wed., May 7, 2008. Eight (8) elected officers or their stand ins took a new 2-year term oath of office administered by Judy Beard, National APWU Retirees Director who was the main invited guest speaker. Seven (7) incumbent officers were reelected and Michael Jordan was elected as the new Organization and Benefits Director for the Retiree Chapter. Chapter member Jack and Lorraine Cimino from Sebring enjoyed the Convention and Banquet. Jack Gose, Mario Miceli, Dave Bernstein, and Charlie Redd served as full dues paying Delegate/members to the regular State Convention from May 8-10, and Jack was Master Sgt.-at-Arms for the umpteenth time. Richard Keys and Warren Pearlman also attended the Retiree meetings, and Warren and his spouse, Beverly Redd, Betty Baker, and Eunice Butts attended the Banquet on Friday evening. Jack Gose was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award and pin by the National Auxiliary of APWU.
June 1-3, 2008, Orlando, FL: Florida Alliance for Retired Americans (FLARA) Annual State Convention at the Florida Mall Hotel was attended by two (2) Retiree Officer Delegates, Jack Gose representing the State Chapter and Dave Bernstein from Tampa Area Local Retiree Chapter. Over 65 Retiree Delegates and invited guests enjoyed two (2) days of Legislative meetings with many speakers from the public, private, and political arenas telling it like it is concerning Retiree and senior issues.
June 4-5, 2008, Lake Buena Vista, FL: Pres. Jack Gose and Legislative Director Dave Bernstein traveled to the National Alliance for Retired Americans Quadrennial Southern Regional Conference of Delegates from twelve (12) southern states from Texas to Virginia including Florida which was held at Buena Vista Palace Hotel & Spa on DisneyWorld property. General sessions, breakout rooms, and congenial meals together were highlighted to grow and educate our Alliance membership, increase retiree voter registration, and voter participation for the general elections in November, 2008.
June 20-22, 2008, Cocoa Beach, FL: The Cocoa Beach Hilton Hotel was the meeting site for the Florida Biennial AFL-CIO COPE Conference, the Legislative arm of the state body, which drew several hundred union officers and members from all the unions in Florida to attend 3 days of meetings and workshops for educational purposes. President Jack Gose represented the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter and Legislative Director Dave Bernstein represented the active APWU of Florida membership. Many legislators and candidates for political office were present at the Candidates dinner reception on Saturday nite where we got to meet and discuss our Senior and Retirees issues with them.
Aug. 15-17, 2008, Las Vegas, NV: Three (3) Retiree Chapter Officers travel to Las Vegas to represent the APWU of Florida, including Dave Bernstein as Legislative Director of the active Body and member of Natl APWU Credentials Committee. Valentine Serpico representing the Broward County Area Local Retiree Chapter and Jack Gose representing the APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, attend the 2-day Natl APWU Retiree Conference in Bally's Hotel as Delegates, and Jack also attends the Clerk Craft Conference as well.
Aug. 18-23, 2008, Las Vegas, NV: Jack Gose and Dave Bernstein as elected Delegates attend the 5-day biennial National APWU Convention in Paris Hotel, with Dave winding up his duties on the Credentials Committee and Jack serving as National APWU Sgt-at-Arms for the umpteenth time. Only one (1) Constitutional Resolution out of eleven (11) submitted was approved by the Delegates, which will increase our Natl APWU Retiree Dept. monthly dues from $2.00 to $3.00.
Jack Gose as a member of the APWU Postal Press got on the first of five buses going to the 2-hour sidewalk demonstration site in North Las Vegas with 300 other Delegates where Bill Burrus took our concerns inside the "Goin" Postal" retail store next to a bank in a suburban shopping center.
Dave and I attended the Retirement Classes for CSRS and FERS in Bally's Hotel on Sat., Aug. 23, 2008. Over sixty (60) APWU Delegates and family members got up to date information about the VER early out retirement to bring back to our active and retiree members and families in Florida.
September 10-11, 2008, Lakeland, FL: President Jack Gose, APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter, and Dave Bernstein, President, Tampa Area Local Retiree Chapter attend the FLARA quarterly Executive Board meeting at the Holiday Inn in Lakeland, FL on the 7th anniversary of the terrible 9/11/2001 loss of over 3,000 lives in New York City, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. due to the sneak attacks by Islamic terrorists on the World Trade Center and other targets. Over sixty (60) members and guests heard several state political figures speak and watched several videos addressing election issues in the 2008 general election coming up on Nov. 4, 2008.
Jack is retiring from his elected position as 2nd Vice President of FLARA due to declining health, and wishes all his brothers and sisters in the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans best wishes and good luck in the coming years. We Love all of You!
September 24-27, 2008, West Palm Beach, FL: President Jack Gose gave out thirty (30) Retiree Happy folders to all the Area Local/Local Presidents at their semi-annual Florida President's Conference, and received a plaque "for his personal commitment to the APWU and its members. We wish you well in retirement." Jack is retiring effective October 1, 2008 due to declining health and gave away hundreds of APWU collectibles on six tables in the Hilton Hotel hallway to the lucky APWU of Florida Educational Fall Seminar attendees during break in classes on Thur., Sept. 25-Saturday, Sept. 27.
Jack chaired his last APWU of Florida State Retiree Chapter Executive Board meeting in the Veranda Restaurant inside the hotel, with all motions brought forth from the floor unanimously concurred. Present were Val Serpico from Fort Lauderdale who automatically assumes the duties of the Chapter President, Mario Miceli from Clearwater is the new Vice President with Dave Bernstein from Tampa as Legislative and Political Director to complete the 2008-2010 term of office. Sam Smith from West Palm Beach is interested in organizing a Retiree Chapter in Palm Beach Area Local zip codes. We had nine (9) Retirees in attendance at our Retiree Luncheon, including Norman Mesnikoff and Doris Zubler from Aventura, FL and Juanita Mears from Lake Worth and Harry Lambert from Green Acres City, FL.
Bill Burrus, our National APWU President, spoke on Thur. morn before a packed assembly and recognized Jack's service on many National Convention Committees and asked Jack to come back home again sometime. Life is like a bowl of cherries, Thanks for the Memories! We Love All of You, APWU!