As the start of the APWU 20th Biennial
Convention nears, preparations for the event have moved into high gear at
the union’s national headquarters in Washington, DC.
As of the first week in August, 2,041 delegates representing 331 locals have
registered for convention credentials.
The convention will take place on Aug. 20-24 in Los Angeles. This year’s
theme is One Union, Indivisible. Click here for an updated
schedule of events.
Seating on the convention floor will be by region and determined by the
progress that states — based on their size — have made toward their COPA goals.
The seating plan is designed to reward states who have worked hard to reach
their goals, and to encourage those who have lagged behind. The measuring period
was July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2012.
The top-ranking COPA-contributing states are: Vermont, North Dakota, Nebraska
and Hawaii. Their delegations will be seated up front!
COPA Night:
Fundraising for COPA will be a recurring theme at the convention: Raffle
tickets will be sold for $20 apiece at the COPA booth. There will be three
raffle drawings: One on Tuesday, one on Wednesday and one on Thursday.
Delegates who have contributed at least $200 between July 1, 2010, and June
30, 2012, will receive two tickets to “COPA Night,” which will be held on
Tuesday, Aug. 21. The children of ticket-holders also may attend. The theme for
COPA Night will be Take a Walk on the Red Carpet, so dress accordingly
and get ready for a fun event featuring COPA stars.
To help delegates prepare for the convention, resolutions that will be
debated and voted upon in Los Angeles have been posted online [PDF- Members only]. The resolutions address
labor-management issues, craft-specific items, legislative topics, and proposals
to change the union’s constitution.
“Posting the resolutions online gives delegates the opportunity to discuss
them before the convention begins,” Secretary-Treasurer Liz Powell said.
“Delegates will receive a book containing the resolutions, which they can review
as topics are discussed.”