The APWU of Florida Fall Seminar will be held in Daytona Beach at the Hilton from October 11th to the 13th. Thank you in advance to President Rusty Olsen and the Daytona Beach Area Local for hosting the seminar. The recent excessing has had a great negative affect on their local and yet they still came through for all of us. You can go on-line to the state website for the flyer and the schedule for those of you that are interested in going.
The deadline of Sep 09th is fast approaching for the cutoff for hotel reservations and the registration process. I will be attempting to get an extension on the deadline because of the close proximity to our delegates return from the National Convention. I cannot give any guarantees though so go ahead and make your reservations now.
I will send out a notice to your local Presidents and those on my email list if and when I get the extension or any other updates. If you would like to be added to my email list simply drop me a line requesting that and you will get the most updated news. My email is (
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). You can also find it on the state website (
We will be having classes that cover all levels from beginning steward up to advanced classes for those who have been in their positions for some time. We have a number of new areas in the contract that our State and National Officers will help us all understand. We have new positions like the NTFT and the Lead Clerk Bids that many locals are starting to get positions filled.
I will be especially attentive to the Lead Mail Processing Clerk as I will be forced into a residual for that position soon. We had one Bid posted in my local that aparantly no one was interested in and I was still unencumbered from being excessed to Tour 1 from Tour 3. I will now have the pleasure of holding that Bid as soon as it is "awarded" to me.
Look forward to seeing you all in October. In Solidarity,
Mark Teseniar, Director of Education, APWU of Florida,
PO Box 545, Tallevast, Fl 34270 Tel 941-266-3830