
I hope you’re celebrating right now. You should be. You earned this.

I’m headed out of my office and about to go hug some volunteers who -- like you -- worked incredibly hard to make this victory happen.

But first, I need your attention for three minutes. When we wake up tomorrow, we have a huge fight on our hands.

The same corporations and right-wing billionaires who spent record amounts trying to buy the election for Mitt Romney have their priorities, and they’re already spending millions more to bully Congress into falling into line behind them. They’re mobilizing right now -- starting tonight.

Washington, D.C. is going to start talking about extending the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2% and turning the focus back to the deficit again. And there’s a very real danger that cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, and other programs Americans rely on will be on the table. Those cuts would affect all of us-- the very people that elected President Obama, Vice President Biden, and other working family candidates tonight.

So it’s up to us to fight like hell for the working people in our communities. We need to work to make sure the rich pay their fair share, there are no cuts to our benefits, and programs that safeguard our country’s future -- like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security -- are safe for generations to come.
Please take a moment to sign the petition, telling Congress to protect working families, and let the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% expire.

Then, go celebrate, hug someone, and look for more from us very soon about the fight of our lives.

In Solidarity,

Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO


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