Douglas C. and Jackie Holbrook's Anniversary!

Jackie and I were married 52 years ago today. We were married at the Hazel Park United Methodist Church, Hazel Park, Michigan. We have been blessed during these years with our two sons Douglas and Kevin their families our six grandchildren and a great Granddaughter. We have enjoyed the support and friendship of so many friends it would be impossible to thank each one individually. So if you have been a part of our life's journey we send our sincere thanks. Gods Blessings, Douglas and Jackie Holbrook


APWU State and Local Retiree Chapters List :
To learn how to contact retiree chapters, write to or call the APWU Retirees Department, 1300 L St., N.W, Washington, DC 20005 (202) 842-4200.
(Updated April 2013)
State Chapters (4)
Florida State "Jack Gose" Retiree Chapter (6 Local Chapters)
Ohio State Retiree Chapter (7 Local Chapters)
Michigan State Retiree Chapter (4 Local Chapters)
California State Retiree Chapter (6 Local Chapters)

Local Chapters (46)
Atlanta Metro Area Retiree Chapter, Georgia
Baltimore Francis “Stu” Filbey Retiree Chapter, Maryland
Broward County Retiree Chapter, Florida
California Area Retiree Chapter, California
Central Florida Area Retiree Chapter, Florida
Chicago Area Retiree Chapter, Illinois
Cleveland Area Retiree Chapter, Ohio
Columbus Area Retiree Chapter, Ohio
Dallas Area Retiree Chapter, Texas
Dayton Area Retiree Chapter, Ohio
Des Moines Area Retiree Chapter, Iowa
Detroit District Area Retiree Chapter, Michigan
Fayetteville Area Retiree Chapter, North Carolina
Flint Area Retiree Chapter, Michigan
Greater Cincinnati Ohio Area Retiree Chapter, Ohio
Greater Los Angeles Area Retiree Chapter, California
Greater Las Vegas Area Retiree Chapter, Nevada
Heart of Illinois Retiree Chapter, Illinois
Indianapolis Area Retiree Chapter, Indiana
Kansas City Golden Jazz Retiree Chapter, Missouri
Kansas KAW Retiree Chapter, Kansas
Lima Area Retiree Chapter, Ohio
Long Island Area Retiree Chapter, New York
Manchester Area Retiree Chapter, New Hampshire
Miami Area Retiree Chapter, Florida
Moe Biller Retiree Chapter, New York

Nation’s Capital/Southern Maryland Area Retiree Chapter, D.C./Maryland
Northeast Florida Area Retiree Chapter, Florida
Omaha Area Retiree Chapter, Nebraska
Philadelphia Area Retiree Chapter, Pennsylvania
Phoenix Area Retiree Chapter, Arizona
Pittsburgh Metro Area Retiree Chapter, Pennsylvania
Puerto Rico Area Retiree Chapter, Puerto Rico
Red Bank Area Retiree Chapter, New Jersey
Richmond Area Retiree Chapter, Virginia
Saginaw 486-487 Retiree Chapter, Michigan
San Diego Area Retiree Chapter, California
San Francisco Area Retiree Chapter, California
Southwest Coastal Area Retiree Chapter, California
St. Louis Area Retiree Chapter, Missouri
Suncoast Area Retiree Chapter, Florida
SFVAL Golden Oldies Retiree Chapter, California
Tampa Area Retiree Chapter, Florida
Tri-County Ohio Retiree Chapter, Ohio
Western MI Area Retiree Chapter, Michigan
Youngstown Area Retiree Chapter, Ohio

States of Illinois, Maryland, Missouri, New York,
and Pennsylvania each have 2 Local Chapters
Which state shall be chartered next as a State Retiree Chapter?


APWU Honors the Achievements Of Older Americans
APWU Web News Article 041-2013, April 15, 2013
In recognition of the achievements of our retirees and older union members, the APWU will celebrate Older Americans Month in May. The union is encouraging all APWU state and local affiliates to recognize the countless contributions that APWU retirees have made and continue to make to the APWU, the labor movement, their communities, and their families, and the nation.
A proclamation [PDF] adopted by the National Executive Board in January says, “Retired postal workers helped to build the American Postal Workers Union, making it the strong and powerful union it is.”
Retired postal workers continue to support the union in a variety of ways, the proclamation notes. .Retirees take part in legislative advocacy on Capitol Hill, attend activities sponsored by the APWU and AFL-CIO, participate in local retiree chapter activities, and contribute to APWU COPA, the Committee on Political Action.
The resolution urges all APWU state and local affiliates and Retiree Chapters to celebrate the accomplishments of our retirees and older members.


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